Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Lesson Learned and Daddy's Girl

We were waiting in the hall last night waiting for the pizza with Lillie and some of her friends. She was practicing her walking a little and went to see another dad. It was okay at first but then we experienced the big meltdown. She must have realized that none of us look like her nanny and was confused by another dad. I have been reading a lot of books about attachment but I think we both learned to stick by the rules. Lillie has a special doctor at the International Adoption Clinic. She wrote us some advice so we thought we should share it with all of you so you can be prepared.

"We always recommend that parents be the “go to” people for at least four months, ideally six. By that I mean, the folks who get up with her in the middle of the night (of course), put her to bed, there when she wakes up in the morning, give her baths, feed her, change her diaper, comfort her. As much as possible we recommend that she not be held by anyone but her parents and maybe one or at most two other people. If you can choose one or two people who you can call on for back up as needed and try not to expand beyond that number of caregivers for about four months, it would be ideal. Lilile is at a good age to bond and you have a good three/four months to be with her before returning to work, that’s wonderful. She should do well. Let folks visit, not too many at a time, help with chores, but warn them ahead of time that it’s not a good idea for them to hold her now and to stay away if they are sick."

We plan to follow the rules from now on. My friend, Kelly, pointed out that Lillie will be around for a long time so everyone will get their turn later. She cried herself to sleep last night and missed the pizza party. She also learned that her dad is a very soft touch. Below is a picture of the first bottle with Dad.

Lillie is a Daddy's girl on Day 3. She also prefers to be carried by her Dad. She likes to be as high as possible to see everything. After our tour today, we picked up some more tylenol at the pharmacy and went to the grocery. She is taking three hour naps so we see a few sights in the morning and take it easy in the afternoon. She ate pork congee for dinner and is feeling better with a lower temp after her first real diaper. She also had her first phone call from home today. Ma Ma Becki called before breakfast but Lillie would only cry a little.
This is one more picture from our visit to the Green Mountain. We are going to a museum tomorrow and will try to go to the People's Park after naptime.


MaMa Becki said...

Oh the Daddy girl picture is simply adorable!! Just an update on Bridget's baby, ultrasound was good and the baby turned on own!! Yea--this is going to be a busy month for all of us!!!!

Shelle said...

Well looks like you got Aaron back- love the snoozing photo of the two of them!

I think you have that attachment thing down, we learned by trial and error too. Mattea pretty much regulated who could hold her all on her own, she just wouldn't go to anyone other than Tim and I and it was so hard for everyone (poor grandma) to understand that. Honestly nobody wants to hold a screaming child anyhow so it wasn't too hard to enforce!!!

I'll just drive by your house every day and you can hold her up in the window for us :-)

Glad everything is going well!

Shelle said...

Hey I forgot to ask- what size clothing and shoes is Lillie wearing? just in case I find some I missed- ha!

Man she's cute- I just keeping looking at the photos over and over again!

karamel0814 said...

IT doesn't take long does it Daddy? -I am so happy for you guys. -Jason

Jodi said...

Poor thing she is still grieving! I bet her personality really starts coming out in next couple days....
Pictures are awesome!

Tracy said...

Your sweet girl is still grieving, but you guys are doing the right thing by being her main caretakers based on how she is adjusting. Charlotte was younger (13 months) and although she freely would go to other parents in our group when we would be in the playroom, she would always come back to us. I know every child is different and they all have different circumstances and they are different ages and temperaments, and you as her parents are the best judges of all of that for sure. And I agree - her personlilty will continue to come out more and more as she learns to trust that you will continue to be there for her. I love that pic of her laying on her Dad's shoulder.

Darcy said...

Yes, Cindy I do beleive you got Aaron back with the picture of the two of them sleeping, but it is just so adorable, you can't help it. I agree with enforcing the rules, it will be easier in the long run and none of us are going anywhere, so we will have plenty of time to come and play with Lillie as she gets use to her new and loving family. Darcy

MARK said...